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About Us

We collect stories and want to inspire people


the future looks good!


Porträt Berlin is a project dedicated to exploring the concept of entrepreneurship in the city of Berlin. It is an online magazine, produced by an interdisciplinary team, where you can find interviews, methodologies, articles, voices of specialists, experiences and advice to undertake your own project.


Our goal is to create content that inspires others, doing what we do best: telling stories. We started this magazine and concept store from scratch, and we are selling affordable, conceptual art and promoting our first crowdfunding campaign to be able to improve our website, form a team to produce more interesting content, organize workshops, and keep the ball rolling.


We set up an online store with products that promote the entrepreneurial spirit. With your help many good stories will come to light and become part of the contemporary map of the city. And most importantly: they will inspire others.


You can contribute by helping to spread the word about the project, following us in our social networks, participating in our dynamics, donating money  and above all buying the experience that our products offer with their meaning.



Our Team


Laura Soria 

Founder/ Creative Director

I studied Science of Communications and Photography in Mexico City.  I have specialized in creating concepts, strategies and production of images and atmospheres that tell stories and communicate the values of brands.

My work as an artist, photographer and producer have been showcased in magazines, catalogues, books, exhibitions and video productions in collaboration with brands such as ELLE México,  Revista 192, Adidas, Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss, Wilson, Vans, Aeroméxico, Liverpool, Santa Lupita, CIEE and VAAY among others.


Rocío Gauna

Editor in Chief

I am an Image and Sound Designer from Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a specialization in Communication Design Theory. I have worked as a director and editor on various projects selected in different festivals around the world. I write, I take analogue photos and I like to listen to stories.


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